About DUAA
DUAA stands for Dar Al Ulum Al Islamia Al Alamiya. It was founded in 2022 and it is a non-profit, independent, faith-based organization. DUAA has following services: Online Islamic School (Pre-K - 12), Online Islamic University (Degree programs), Social Services, Matrimonial Services, Funeral Services and Masjid.
Online Islamic School (Pre-K-12)
We offer various types of Islamic education for students of Pre-K till Class 12. It is a holistic and accredited program which seeks to provide a combination of Islamic knowledge. Keeping up with the modern pace, its biggest advantage lies in the fact that it is online. This allows it to be more easily accessible with more people being able to engage in this program in spite of barriers such as distance and overall, providing increasing flexibility and ease.
Online Islamic University (Degree programs)
Through a holistic and accredited program, our degree programs intend to empower and advance schooling in Islamic learning in a multitude of branches as they aim to guarantee the improvement of the Muslim Ummah in philosophical, moral, scholarly, social, financial fields as per the qualities and standards of Islam.
Social Services
Engage in Social Service aimed at improving the lives of many through the provision of education, healthcare and a supportive community for the underprivileged. By taking part in them, we will not only be changing lives for the better, but we will be upholding a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (pbuh).
Matrimonial Services
Matrimonial services aimed at finding Muslims worldwide a suitable partner and provide an Islamic solution to a growing problem. By benefiting from a multitude of choices and through ease in accessibility, not only will one be completing half their faith, but marriage will guarantee the physical and spiritual chastity of a person and keep them away from the trap of Satan.
Funeral Services
A range of services such as the bathing of the deceased, shrouding of the corpse, the funeral prayer and arrangements of the burial are provided, which meet the precise Islamic requirement regarding such rituals.
It is known that charity will act as shade for the believers on the Day of Judgement. Both Zakat and Sadaqah services are provided whereby one can donate and through this, changes the lives of many children and adults for the better.
The masjid inculcates a sense of community and brings people together as they meet five times in a day for a single unified purpose. The presence of a Masjid is likely to encourage brotherhood and aid an individual psychologically and mentally as prayer provides a sense of strength for the human soul and it can eliminate sadness, fear, and anxiety.